Saturday, April 26, 2014

Zynga's Lost Almost Half of Its Daily Users

by Nick Dowell

Earlier this week, Zynga reported that the number of daily users rose from 27 million last quarter to 28 million this quarter. Any growth seems good, but in the first quarter of 2013, Zynga had 53 million users, meaning the company has lost almost half of its user base.

Despite the loss, Don Mattrick, the CEO of Zynga, tried to put out a positive image:
"In Q1 our teams delivered a solid start to the year against our strategic frame of growing and sustaining our franchises, creating new hits and driving efficiencies. We have established a strong base for 2014 and we believe we are pacing well for a year of growth."
These claims are interesting considering Zynga recently purchased NaturalMotion for $527 million and cut its staff by 15 percent. Hopefully there are plans around these actions because the future is looking a bit bleak for the former social gaming juggernaut.
Sources: Ars Technica, Destructoid
Image: Ars Technica