Saturday, April 26, 2014

Atari ET Games Uncovered in New Mexico Desert

By Jake Doolin

The year 1983 is a shameful one in the history of games. It was the year of the famous crash that sent the video game world in a tailspin and for a brief time nearly ended gaming. At the very core of that crash was the game E.T for the Atari 2600, a game many call the worst of all time. From its horrible graphics, difficult control scheme, and rushed development the game was dead on arrival. It had long been rumored that Atari buried most of the unsold copies of the game in the New Mexico desert. Today we have finally received confirmation that the New Mexico landscape is indeed filled with E.T. cartridges.

Talk of the dig was started a few weeks ago after Microsoft partnered with a documentary crew to find out if the legends were true. As of this writing the team has uncovered "hundreds"of copies of the game with more likely to be unearthed soon.

Source: Kotaku
Image: Twitter