Friday, April 25, 2014

ESA Survey Finds Nearly Half of Gamers are Female

by Joseph Knoop

It's been a long time coming, but anyone who's been paying attention to industry trends won't be surprised to learn that females now make up close to half of all gamers, according to a report by the Entertainment Software Association.

According to the report, which is a brilliant little piece of visual design, women represent roughly 48 percent of the entire gaming population. The number of female gamers over the age of 50 increased by 32 percent from 2012 to 2013.

The average age of a gamer is 31 years old.

It's interesting to note that social/casual games account for nearly half of all games played, owing to an increased usage in mobile devices and smartphones. Device usage increased from 22 percent to 37 percent through 2012.

"People of all ages play video games. There is no longer a 'stereotype game player,' but instead a game player could be your grandparent, your boss, or even your professor," said Jasson Allaire. Ph. D., associate professor of psychology at North Carolina State University and co-director of the Gains through Gaming Lab.

The report also stated the female gamers over the age of 18 account for more gamers than men under the age of 18.
Source: ESA
Image: Wikipedia