Thursday, August 21, 2014

Trailer for Final Episode of The Walking Dead: Season 2 Released

by Nick Dowell

The trailer for the last episode of TellTale's extremely emotional The Walking Dead: Season 2 released today and it is a doozy.

Most of the five-minute trailer is dedicated to going over the events of the past nine episodes from both seasons (meaning there are major spoilers). The last couple of minutes are a home video of Clem and her babysitter before the outbreak. It gives viewers an extremely stark contrast of the adorable, innocent Clem then to the tough, hardened Clem now.

Surprisingly enough, nothing was revealed about the upcoming episode, making the anticipation for it that much more palpable.

The Walking Dead: Season 2: No Going Back releases on August 26 for PC and Mac, as well as North American PS3 and PS Vita; August 27 for Xbox 360 and the European PS3 and PS Vita; and August 28 for iOS.

Source: YouTube
Image: VideoGameBlogger