Friday, November 14, 2014

Ubisoft’s Stock Decreases 9% after Assassin’s Creed Unity Release

by Courtney Tuchman

Yahoo’s Finance Blog is reporting low numbers for Ubisoft. After the company recently released Assassin’s Creed Unity, sales were unexpectedly low. Yahoo Finance reveals that Ubisfot’s stock fell over 9 percent. This could be due to the negative reception of the game, with fans clamoring online and Metacritic rating the game a low score.

The negative reactions are not going to hit Ubisoft well. Looking at the graph pictured of Ubisoft’s performance over the last five days, one can pin-point the exact spot the public received Assassin’s Creed: Unity. In the last year, Ubisoft’s performance has not been too abysmal, aside from the release of Watch Dogs. In fact, the company’s stock had increased over 77 percent in two years—before today, anyways.

Like other companies that have taken hard hits, such as Activision’s Destiny, Ubisoft will most likely follow in the same path to recovery. The video game business is probably not endangered by the drop in stock.
Image: Kotaku Australia