Monday, May 12, 2014

Top Execs at EA Sell Large Stock Amounts

by Nick Dowell

According to EA's SEC filings, a few of the higher executives at the company have sold many, if not all of their shares.

Two of the executives, executive vice-president Patrick Soderlund and general counsel Stephen Bene, sold all of their shares. Soderlund sold 36,133 shares for $1.2 million and Bene sold his 7,771 share for $259,555.

Chief Operating Officer Peter Moore sold sold 100,000 of his shares (nearly half of his total) for $3.4 million, leaving him with 108,691 remaining.

These sales come soon after EA announced last week that the company's current share value is at its highest point since 2008.
Sources: Electronic Arts via Polygon, Gamespot
Image: Polygon