Friday, May 2, 2014

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Details Leak

By Jake Doolin

Well this is a bit of a surprise. After yesterday's announcement that we would be seeing the details of a new Call of Duty this Sunday, a leaker sent information on the next game in the series today to several news outlets. The new game, titled Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, will focus on a group of futuristic paramilitary soldiers that has turned against the United States government.

One of the odder announcements is that the game will feature actor Kevin Spacey as the leader of the paramilitary group. After news of the leak hit the web, Sledgehammer went ahead and released the official trailer for the game, which shows off Spacey, as well as some of the new technology and weapons players can expect to see.

No specific consoles were given in terms of release, although the trailer does point out the footage was rendered on an Xbox One.

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare will release November 4.
Source: Distructoid
Image: Fansided