Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Retrace Game of Thrones with this Interactive Map

by Joseph Knoop

Don't hate me, but I haven't read the Game of Thrones novels, vast and compelling as they are. However, if you're in the mood for retracing the steps of everyone's favorite Lannister or the diminutive Arya Stark, check out this interactive map built by theMountainGoat.

The map, based off the Tear of the Cartographer's Guild, allows users to choose how far into the book or show they want to see with sliders for both chapters and episodes. Users can also access Westeros Wiki pages via links on the map.

What's incredibly interesting is that the map was built without any direct lifting from George R.R. Martin's copyrighted maps for the series. Instead, theMountainGoat, using a blend of Google Maps API and tiles generated by GMap Image Cutter 1.42, worked in conjunction with a separate artist to render the map.
Source :QuarterMaster
Image Credit: Rvcapehatteras