Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Nidhogg & Many Other Indie Games Coming to PS4

by Joseph Knoop

If you're a fan of indie games and a Playstation 4 owner, now is the time to rejoice. Playstation has announced an absolute avalanche of indie titles that will be coming to the PS4 later this year.

Most notable among the included games are arcade fencing-dueler Nidhogg, Metroidvania-style Axiom, underground adventure Spelunky, and turn-based strategy game Skulls of the Shogun.

Other titles include Source, Chasm, Drifter, Jamestown Plus, Starwhal, Apotheon, Ironclad Tactics, and Escape Goat 2.

The announcement echoes the commitment to indie titles that Playstation announced at last year's E3. With a list of future titles this long, it certainly looks anything but grim for Sony's indie market in the coming years.

Source: Playstation Blog
Image: The Game Jar