Tuesday, April 29, 2014

New Amazing Spider-Man Character "Silk" to Debut, Bitten by the Same Spider

by Nick Dowell

It's not uncommon for comics to introduce new characters. Many have existed for over 50 years, and having the original characters be the only characters bores readers. But not every story makes a character as radical as the writers for the Amazing Spider-Man comics. This July, readers of the comic can expect the introduction of Silk, a character with powers very similar to those of Peter Parker's.

Why is this a big deal?

Because she was bitten by the same spider that bit Peter Parker.

“Silk is going to be a major Spider… character over the next couple years,” says Marvel Senior Editor Nick Lowe. “She got bit by the same spider that Peter Parker did and we’re starting to tease her story in every issue of Amazing Spider-Man.”

Silk isn't slated to be introduced until The Amazing Spider-Man #4 this July, but she'll be teased as a character starting with issue #1 tomorrow. 

Lowe also has confirmed that Silk will be a part of the new Spider-Verse event taking place later this year.

Hopefully we'll learn more about her soon, because I have a ton of questions, the biggest one being where exactly she's been this whole time.
Source: Newsarama
Images: Newsarama