Saturday, September 6, 2014

Pirate The Sims 4, Get a Pixelated Screen

by Nick Dowell

People who pirate a copy of The Sims 4 will quickly discover the game has gotten incredibly difficult to play--for them, at least.

The newest game in the simulation franchise has been discovered to contain an anti-piracy measure that pixelates the screen if the game is obtained by less-than legal means.

Players familiar with the series know that when a Sim takes a shower, a blob of pixels shows up to cover up nudity. If you have a pirated copy of the game, though, that blob doesn't go away. In fact, it expands until the entire screen is pixelated worse than a low-resolution YouTube video.

The funniest part of this whole situation is that users are flooding to The Sims 4 forums to figure out what the issue is, clearly pointing out who pirated the game and who didn't.

EA told JoyStiq that it has no plans to help those experiencing this problem and encourages players to actually buy a copy of the game to avoid the pixelation.
Source: Player Attack via JoyStiq
Image: JoyStiq