Monday, September 22, 2014

MGS5 Companions Can Permanently Die

By Graham Taylor

New AI companions for the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, were unveiled at the Tokyo Game Show this week, one of which is an adorable little wolf named D.D.

More news subsequently followed, including the fact that the new companions, including D.D, can die. Along with D.D, Quiet the Sniper and even the horse have been confirmed to permanently die

Snake will have the option to take any of these three partners with him on missions in order to provide support. They will also have their own unique side quests. However, if they take too much damage and die during the course of a level, it’s game over for them.

Thankfully though, these tragic ends can be avoided altogether. Since none of these characters are considered critical to the plot, there is no actual need for them to leave base. Simply leave them at home, and they’ll live healthy, (hopefully) happy lives.

 It is also being speculated that there will be more potential companions to find, but the only ones confirmed as of now are the aforementioned three.
Source: Kotaku
Image: Cinema Blend