Sunday, September 28, 2014

Flying Watch Could Change How You Take Selfies

by Andrew Hughes

Competing in Intel’s wearable technology competition, Team Nixie is developing the prototype for a watch that flies off your wrist and takes the picture you always wanted.

The idea is to get a picture without taking out your phone for the traditional and seemingly-overdone selfie. The remote-controlled watch turns into a cute little quad-copter that flies to take the perfect picture before returning to your wrist.

The watch is still a prototype with concepts still in the air, but Team Nixie has already received support from Intel thanks to its standing in the competition. If the project persists, the watch could revolutionize the world of picture-taking.

Team Nixie is a finalist in said competition, and the winning team will be announced at an official event on November 3, 2014.
Source: TechCrunch via Gizmodo
Image: T4