Tuesday, August 26, 2014

There's a Goodwill for gamers and it's a nostalgic heaven

by Lucas Schmidt

Goodwill has opened a store that caters to people looking for cheap, donated and refurbished video game and computer goods. The GRID is filled with everything from old, wooden arcade machines to games from previous console generations that are hard to come by these days. Many of the games have cases that appear to be in surprisingly excellent condition for the decades of age they've seen.

Sega Saturn games are alive and well.
The store is a first of its kind extension for Goodwill and keeps in line with the company's nonprofit strategy. The discounted prices are roughly 15-65 percent lower than comparable retail prices and 90 cents of every dollar made at the store goes to provide job training and job placement for disadvantaged people who struggle with various barriers that prevent them from gainful employment.

Among the goods sold is the Rasberry Pi, a small, credit card-sized computer that's designed to help teach kids about programming and basic computer functions. In addition, The GRID works in conjunction with Dell, as well as local schools and businesses. PR and Social Media Manager Melinda Wilshire says,
"We saw a need from consumers to have an option for affordable technology."
The response to this was the 6,000 square ft The GRID in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Most products are available to try out aside from a few of the more rare items.

The GRID opened during Memorial Day weekend back in May of this year.
Even old, wooden arcade machines are available for sale.
To ask for a GRID in your town, or any other questions, go to:


Sources: imgur, Goodwill
Images: ltra1n