Wednesday, July 16, 2014

First Official Look at Avengers: Age of Ultron, New Info Revealed

by Nick Dowell

The newest issue of Entertainment Weekly revealed some new information on the upcoming sequel to Marvel's 2012 box off smash The Avengers. The sequel, titled Age of Ultron, focuses on how the Avengers are tired of saving the world and want some rest and relaxation.

The solution to the problem comes with Ultron, a self-aware and self-teaching artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark that has the sole job of looking at threats and sending off Stark's Iron Legion to deal with it. However, Ultron soon sees humanity to be the ultimate threat to life on Earth (as most AIs tend to do) and turns to deal with that threat.

"Ultron sees the bigger pictures and he goes, 'Okay, we need radical change, which will be violent and appalling, in order to make everything better': he's not just going 'Muahaha, soon I'll rule!'" writer and director Joss Whedon said in an interview.

"He's on a mission. He wants to save us."

The Avengers will have a whole slew of new situations to deal with, like battling an enemy that isn't even physical but is just a program. They'll also see the introduction of Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver (not Evan Peters though), and The Vision. We don't know how they'll be in terms of moral alignment, but they're an interesting development nonetheless.

The Avengers: Age of Ultron releases in theaters May 1, 2015.
Source: Entertainment Weekly
Image: Entertainment Weekly