Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Flappy Bird Returning in August, Now with Multiplayer

by Nick Dowell

If you deleted your copy of Flappy Bird after it was taken down, you'll soon have a chance to get it back.

According to CNBC's Kelly Evans, Flappy Bird is coming back this August. The game's creator, Dong Nguyen, has said that this time around, the game will include multiplayer and be "less addictive."

Flappy Bird was one of the most popular games on the market when it first released, generating $50,000 per day in ad revenue for Nguyen. However, in March he took the game off the app store because he believed it to be too addictive.

With a new feature like multiplayer being included, it'll definitely be interesting to see how the game won't be the addiction Nguyen saw originally.
Source: Kotaku
Image: Kotaku