Thursday, March 27, 2014

Senator Who Said, "Gamers have no credibility" Arrested for Bribery and Corruption Charges

by Lucas Schmidt

In 2005 California State Senator Leland Yee (say that ten times fast) proposed a bill that would have banned the sale of violent video games to minors. This inevitably led to the 2011 Supreme Court decision that video game were protected by the Constitution as freedom of speech and artistic expression. It was a tremendous win for the video game industry.

Well, Senator Yee was arrested early on Wednesday on charges of public corruption and bribery charges. The arrest of Senator Yee was one of many in a massive FBI sting operation. Raymond Chow, a notorious Chinese gangster who had previously been sentenced 25 years in prison for gun charges, was also arrested.

NBC's Diane Dwyer reports that, "some of the charges may involve, or be related to, medical marijuana and martial arts companies."

Senator Yee gained additional negative attention in an interview with San Francisco Chronicle early last year on the topic of video games encouraging real-world violence. In the interview he said, "Gamers have just got to quiet down. Gamers have no credibility in this argument. This is all about their lust for violence and the industry's lust for money."

Also arrested in the sting operation was former San Francisco school board president Keith Jackson. He was arrested on charges of a murder-for-hire scheme and a gun and drug trafficking conspiracy.

Others arrested in the sting operation had charges of drug and gun trafficking and a murder-for-hire scheme. A fine example of irony at its unfortunate worst.
Source: NBC Bay Area
            San Francisco Chronicle
            Huffington Post
Image: S.F.Examiner