Monday, March 31, 2014

Google Maps Lets You Become a Pokemon Master

by Joseph Knoop

It may be April Fool's Day in Japan, but I want to believe that the future of Pokemon is now.

Google Maps has announced the "Pokemon Challenge", now playable on iOS and Android devices. The game utilizes Google's mapping technology to spread out 150 Pokemon from various generations across the globe.

Players can launch the Google Maps app on their device and tap the "search" button. This displays a blue pokeball icon which serves as your gateway to Pokemon mastery!

"Strong-willed applicants who collect every single Pokemon will be invited to the Googleplex to participate in the final round of hiring," said Brian Mcclendon, VP of Google Maps in a video released by the company. "The winner will start at Google on September 1st 2014. We're eagerly awaiting your participation."

The U.S. version's Pokemon lab is set right in the middle of the Google's corporate headquarters, the Googleplex in Mountain View, California. Other Pokemon labs are situated around the world, like the CERN research facility in Switzerland.

The video features a numerous instances of augmented reality, featuring your average adventurers catching a variety of Pokemon. It's almost certainly Google poking fun at our excitement, but that's no reason to stop believing.
Source: Google Blog via The Next Web
Image Credit: Rick Purtham