Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Kingdoms Rise: Early Access Review

A fresh take on melee combat

by Lucas Schmidt

The good and the bad:
+ Melee combat
The developers refer to it as a "360 degree combat system." Players can swing their weapons at any angle toward their opponents. In order to block, you must aim at corresponding angle. This is one of the best PvP melee systems I've ever used.

- Content
There is a moderate amount of content, and surely more will be added later. The issue is that the sword and spell options are not explained well. So get ready for plenty of trial and error.

- Bugs. Bugs everywhere
As an early access game, bugs are expected. Your knight's armor doesn't appear for the first few seconds of spawning. Secondary weapons don't work half the time. And even though the option is available, changing your loadout mid-match doesn't work.

A moderate amount of customization

Free for all makes for a hectic slaughter

360 degree attack/block rotation makes for tense, fun duels

Final word:
I don't recommend buying this just yet unless you enjoy play-testing and giving feedback. It does however easily deserve a spot on your wishlist. Within the next year it could turn out to be one of the better melee multiplayer options. The potential is there, but first bugs must be fixed and additional content added.