Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Playstation Partners With Spotify, Closes Music Unlimited Service

by Graham Taylor

Sony announced on Jan. 28 that it would be dropping its Music Unlimited service in favor of a joint service with Spotify, called PlayStation Music.

PlayStation Music is planned to launch this spring in 41 countries, as opposed to the 19 countries Music Unlimited caters to. Sony has stated that “nearly all of these countries will be among the 41” countries to gain access to this new service.

PlayStation Music will initially work with PS3, PS4, and Sony Xperia phones. Consumers will also be able to use the service on all Spotify supported devices. PS4 user will be able to use the services in game as well.

Music Unlimited will be shut down on Mar. 29. Users currently with a subscription will receive a free month of of the service from Feb. 28 through Mar. 29.