by Andi Tolentino
Plague Inc., a game about a global disease outbreak had it’s players raise $76,000 to fight the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.
Ndemic Creations, the developer of Plague Inc., started a campaign back in November to raise money for the Red Cross, Disaster Emergency Committee and MSF.
The owner of Ndemic, James Vaughan said that over 800,000 players contributed.
Although the game is about a global pandemic, Vaughan wanted to make sure those players new the real meaning of the game.
"Obviously due to the nature of the game, Plague Inc. highlights the risks of infectious disease and helps players understand the importance of taking action. By showing a message in game, it can reach people who might not normally think about donating to a charity in this situation.
"I'm extremely proud of the Plague Inc. community, together we have raised a significant amount of money for charities across the world and provided an example of how groups of gamers can come together and be a force for good."
In Plague, Inc., players take on the task of creating an infectious disease to infect, and eventually kill, everyone in the world. The game is currently available for mobile devices and PC.
Source: Polygon
Image: Polygon