Sunday, November 23, 2014

Out-of-Stocks Inflating Gamecube Controller Adapter Prices

by Carmen Schwierking

An adapter that costs about $20 is selling for over $80 because of nationwide short-supply.
Nintendo announced a $19.99 adapter that would allow Gamecube controllers to work with with Wii U and the latest game release Super Smash Bros. Wii U.
Gamecube controllers are thought by many to be the best way to play the Super Smash series so it is no surprise that this adapter sold well. It has sold so well, it has sold out. Gamestop retailers and Walmart stores are out-of-stock. Amazon and Ebay prices are soaring with scarce choices. Prices range from $50 to $120.
Bundles and online orders can still be placed but estimated delivery times head all the way out to December.
Shipments are on the way but not in time for everyone to have one when they first open the game.
Source: Kotaku