By: Travis Robinson
With the last version of Zelda, the series had started to break away from the normal conventions that have been in place since the series was developed. Zelda Wii U looks no different.
This time around Zelda is trying to have an open world feel to it and allow a lot more exploration to the world. The trailer gives us a glimpse at a vast field with cottages, goats, and a green-hooded figure on a horse. The cell shading of the world looks like a beautiful mixture of Wind Waker HD and Skyward Sword.
All that you have ever known about Zelda gets thrown out the window when a giant laser beam-shooting robot comes bounding over the hill after the hooded horseman. It chases him into a marsh where the hood is thrown away to reveal the new character model for Link. Link is wearing the clothes that he wears in the very beginning of Wind Waker and not the garb that we are used to seeing. The arrows seem to have more of a technological advancement on them than just normal arrows.
Maybe this Link is Spirit Tracks's Link all grown up? He wears the same clothes as his predecessor and technology seems to be in the realm of Spirit Tracks's world. Hopefully we will have some more light shed on this game soon. Byte will be covering the rest of the week's announcements as well so follow us on Facebook and Twitter.