Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Power Rangers Feature Film in Development

by Nick Dowell

Today it was announced that Lionsgate and Saban are working together to produce an "original live action feature film based on the iconic Power Rangers property."

Regarding the team up, Saban said:
"Lionsgate is the perfect home for elevating our Power Rangers brand to the next level. They have the vision, marketing prowess, and incredible track record in launching breakthrough hits from The Hunger Games to Twilight to Divergent. In partnership with the Lionsgate team, we're confident that we will capture the world of the Power Rangers and translate it into a unique and memorable motion picture phenomenon with a legacy all its own."
The new film franchise will recreate the Mighty Morphin' Powr Rangers, the first group in the 20-year franchise.

Source: Power Rangers
Image: Power Rangers Wiki