Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Oculus Rift Coming to...Chuck E. Cheese

by Nick Dowell

In my 21 years of life, I have never wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese. Now I may have a reason.

The kid-friendly restaurant announced today that they are utlizing the Oculus Rift in a new game: "Chuck E. Cheese's Virtual Ticket Blaster Experience."

Over the course of a six-week trial, three markets will offer the Birthday Star (the child who is having the birthday) a chance in the Blaster. It uses the headset's 360-degree tracking technology and has a 3D view so those who play feel as if they are in the ticket blaster with Chuck E. Cheese. Even cooler is that the game tracks how many tickets are collected in-game so the player can redeem them at the merchandise counter.

"Kids today have unprecedented access to game consoles and tablets," says CEC Entertainment, Inc. president Roger Cardinale. "Our challenge is to deliver an experience not available at home, and there is no doubt virtual reality does just that. Oculus Rift technology is the next frontier in the gaming industry, and we're thrilled to be able to say it's a part of the Chuck E. Cheese's lineup."

The first store to utilize the Blaster Experience will be in Dallas, TX. As the month progresses, 15 more locations in the Dallas-Fort Worth area will receive the game, as will six in Orlando, FL and eight in San Diego, CA.
Source: MultiVu
Image: Dallas News