Sunday, May 11, 2014

Blizzard Rumored to Announce New Game This Year

By Jake Doolin

A Blizzard staffers LinkedIn page points to a possible announcement from the MMO giant. The staffer, named Alan Precourt, puts on his resume that he is "working on a top-secret project to be unveiled sometime in 2014."

While no official word has come from Blizzard on what this project might be, many speculate that is the long rumored Titan. Since 2004 rumblings from the company have shown that a "next-gen MMO" has been in the works, and just last year Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime was quoted as saying the game was "...pretty different from what we originally set out to do."

So what do you think? Are we getting a brand new MMO from Blizzard or maybe another expansion?

Source: LinkedIn via Kotaku
Image: Game-Smack