Friday, April 11, 2014

Titanfall Not Getting Xbox 360 Digital Download Version

by Joseph Knoop

It's no secret that the Xbox 360 version of Titanfall has some issues. The graphics are noticeably less sharp, the 30mhz locked frame rate, while nice, means less fluidity, and it was released weeks after the Xbox One/PC versions.

One more blow seems to be coming to Xbox 360 fans, as EA announced that the game will not be coming to Games on Demand, Microsoft's digital download service.

EA released the following statement:

"After extensive testing, we felt that it simply did not represent the true Titanfall experience and it was decided not to release a Games on Demand version. 

As we never officially announced that Titanfall would be available via Games on Demand and the option to purchase it that way should have never been offered. We hope players understand this decision was all about quality and making sure you get the best Titanfall experience. "

 Choices like these seem indicative of the push for Xbox One adoption. Playstation is bringing The Last of Us to the PS4, and more and more titles are experiencing inferior versions being ported backwards to last gen systems. We'll have to wait and see if this drastically impacts Titanfall sales.

Source: EA Blog
Image Credit: Continue-Play