Friday, April 4, 2014

REVIEW: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

by Rick Purtha 

            In a year so chock-full of action-packed superhero movies, you would think that Marvel wouldn’t be able to top some of their greatest films, but yet again, they have created a film that pushes the boundaries farther than ever before. “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” is guaranteed to be a huge hit  when it hits the box offices everywhere April 4, 2014.
            This second movie in the Captain America franchise picks up exactly where it left off in “The Avengers.” Captain Steve Rogers, the heroic Captain America, is now working for the mysterious S.H.I.E.L.D. under the orders of the even more mysterious Director Nick Fury. Steve is partnered up with agent Natasha Romanov, AKA Black Widow, to complete missions with the utmost importance of protecting the secrets of S.H.I.E.L.D.
            The first few scenes develop the relationships between characters and moves the plot into position for the conflict between the sides to begin. In the first few moments, Steve meets Sam Wilson, a war veteran who will later become a great ally to Steve and Natasha. The plot is set in motion when the two are sent on a mission to save hostages on a hijacked ship. Black Widow has an ulterior motive for joining the Captain. After their mission, the whole team is compromised when an old enemy that Steve never thought he would see again reappears to undo the work S.H.I.E.L.D. has done. This causes Natasha and Steve to go off the reservation and back into a position where they only have each other and a new ally to rely on. Steve’s past comes back to haunt him as his old friends and enemies return, but whose side they are actually on is the question. Fury warns Steve, “Don’t trust anyone,” as the lines between friend and foe are blurred.
            There are many characters reintroduced from “Captain America: The First Avenger,” “Iron Man,” and “The Avengers.” Some of these characters include Nick Fury, Alexander Pierce and the council and Natasha Romanov. When mixing the reintroduced cast with the cast of new characters to the series, this movie has an all-star cast which helped to push the film to its best. You can’t go wrong with a movie that has a cast of Chris Evans, Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, and Cobie Smulders.
            The cast for this movie took it that extra step to push it that much further by doing their research and doing it well.  The moments of hand-to-hand combat were no less than flawless as both Natasha and Steve both sported new moves and techniques that weren’t seen in any of the previous films. The camera work definitely helped with this. They covered almost every angle during the fight scenes with smooth trasitions between shots, which allows for the viewer to follow along perfectly. The crew was not afraid to get up close during fight scenes either. They captured the perfect angle, which shows the expression in the actors faces as they throw each other back and forth across the set. This plus a cast who knows what they are doing is a recipe for the best action sequences seen in a Marvel movie to date. With over 15 films in the Marvel universe so far, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier,” is definitely at the top, and possibly even the best of the ten movies linked directly to the Avengers. The movie is action packed, fast-paced and even has a little hint of humor mixed in within the serious story. The plot seemed to be planned out down to every single little twist in the story, and there are a lot of them, which keep you on the edge of your seat and constantly questioning what is going to happen next.
            With all factors considered, this is the best movie that Marvel Entertainment has put out in a few years. When considering the vast improvement of the special effects and camera work from the past few movies and the detail at which the plot was written, “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” surpasses the others by a pretty wide margin.      The only thing that was aggravating during the film was all of the mentions of the other Avengers, but never having any of them appear.  The characters in this movie talk about things such as people who are smarter than them (Bruce Banner and Tony Stark), but never bring them into the story. Every time they set up a possible cameo, they went exactly the other way with it. If the directors are going to wave that out in front of the viewers' faces, then at least let them see the character in a single scene.
            As with all Marvel movies, when watching it in theaters, be sure to stay through all the credits to catch both of the extra scenes included after the film.

Score: 9/10

Rick Purtha is an employee of AMC Theaters. The opinions expressed in this review are his and not those of AMC Theaters. AMC Theaters is in no way liable for any opinions expressed in this review.