Saturday, April 19, 2014

Game Breaking Bug Cripples Elder Scrolls Online Economy

By Jake Doolin
Its only been out for two weeks, but as players know, that's more then enough time to find a bug in a Bethesda game. Unfortunately for players of The Elder Scrolls Online, the bug found has nearly destroyed the game's economy. Players have found a way to duplicate items, mostly gold, through the games guild bank system. The bug is so rampant that many players have reported accidently doing it.
ZeniMax Online Studios, developers of the game, have stepped in attempting to fix the bug. Gina Bruno, assistant community manager for The Elder Scrolls Online, put up a post on the games forum yesterday stating, “Guild bank functionality has been temporarily disabled on the North American and European megaservers. We will notify you when it has been turned back on”
Also included in the post was news of a v1.0.4 patch coming to the game soon. The patch looks to fix the auto stacking feature that was the root of the problem, and will now have players manually stacking their items before depositing them in their guild bank. Even with news of this patch ZeniMax still has no timetable for when the banks will be open again for North American and European players.
Source: IGN
Image: PCGamer