Sunday, March 30, 2014

Oculus Rift Selling "Just Fine" After Facebook Buyout, Company Says

by Joseph Knoop

An Oculus VR Community Manager released a statement Friday that Oculus V2 development kits are selling "just fine" after Facebook's $2 billion acquisition of the company. The statement was made via an Oculus forum post.

"Just FYI: Sales of DK2 are doing fine. Thanks," the message read.

Gamers' responses to Facebook's buyout was met with widespread criticism, largely due to Facebook's less-than-savory reputation. Numerous organization pages have seen sharp drops in viewership due to Facebook's profit-oriented filtering system. According to a Business Insider article published in August of last year, Facebook's algorithms (which control how many people actually see your content) have dropped some circles of viewership to under 8 percent of a group's followers.

It's worth noting that Facebook has previously acquired companies like Instagram and What'sApp, while exercising minimal creative control over them.

VRFocus reported earlier this week that Oculus V2 dev kits have reached 12,500 preorders.

Source: VR Focus, Business Insider
Image Credit: Wikipedia