Friday, February 14, 2014

Pokemon Company officially reveals Diancle, a new Pokemon of Gen VI

by Nick Dowell

The Pokemon Company revealed today on the Pokemon X and Y website that players will soon be able to add Diancle to their Pokedex. The new Pokemon is a rock/fairy type and is somehow tied to Carbink, who was in the game's upon release.

According to the Pokemon's entry on the site:
"Diancle is an extremely rare Pokemon, created when Carbink undergoes a strange mutation. Its glittering pink body is said to be the most beautiful site in the world.
Diancle can create diamonds out of thin air by compressing the carbon in the atmosphere with its hands. It uses these jewels in battle to attack enemies and protect itself."

Rumors circulated about Pokemon like Diancle when hackers got into the game's code and found other Pokemon not released with the initial launch of the game.

As of now there is no official way to get the Diancle, but Nintendo says to "stay tuned" for more information.

Photo credit to Pokemon X/Y Site

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